
Love and Justice: In the Footsteps of Beethoven’s Rebel Opera, September 11th

On the 51st  Anniversary of the Coup d’etat in Chile, Casa Salvador Allende Toronto (CASAT)
presents Love and Justice: In the Footsteps of Beethoven’s Rebel Opera; A documentary by Kerry Candaele, 2023, 83min. English with Spanish subtitles

Filmed entirely in Valparaíso, Chile, “Amor y Justicia” (“Love and Justice: In the Footsteps of
Beethoven’s Rebellious Opera”) is a fast-paced, poetic and deeply musical narrative
documentary. The film weaves together Beethoven’s masterpiece opera “Fidelio”with the story
of the composer and director of children’s and youth orchestras, Jorge Peña Hen, imprisoned
and murdered in October 1973 in the Caravan of Death.

Reviews of Love and Justice:
“A very moving film. What a journey! And thank you for remembering our tragedy and our struggles.” Ariel Dorfman, author of ‘Death and the Maiden’

“Love and Justice demonstrates that classical music can inspire and educate anyone. It is not meant to
be a rarefied experience. Love and Justice is a moving film, with great artistry on display.” Jill Brooke, Telluride Daily Planet

“Love & Justice” combines the musical style with the cinematographic language of the great masters.
The camera handling of Jean-Luc Godard’s Breathless, the surprise box of Citizen Kane, the ambivalence
of fiction and reality of The American François Truffaut, but also the narrative and scenic skill of Peter
Greenaway.” José Blanco Jiménez, film critic, Chile